Add together, edit, or delete Google Maps reviews & ratings

On Google Maps, you can write reviews for places yous visit. Y'all can too leave info or post photograph updates about a place, like if it'south serenity and romantic or if it's nether renovation.

Tip: Your reviews and opinions are voluntary. We don't pay reviewers to add reviews to Google Maps.

Most public info

All reviews are public and anyone tin notice what you add. You're unable to add an anonymous review.

Here's some more than info others can discover when you write a review:

  • The name on your About me page.
  • Other photos and videos you lot added to Google Maps, and the location info that's fastened.
  • Reviews you wrote on Google Maps.

Tip: If you're a Local Guide, yous tin can get points when you add photos and videos to Google Maps. Learn how to provide high quality reviews and photos.

Add a rating or review

To assistance you share an experience, or assist others choose or brand a improve decision, y'all tin can add ratings or reviews.

Before you add a rating or review, make sure to follow the content policy. Reviews and ratings may be removed from the page, and in most cases, they are removed for policy violations like spam or inappropriate content.

We don't reinstate reviews that were removed for policy violations. These removal measures help brand sure that reviews on Google backdrop are relevant, helpful, and trustworthy. Learn about prohibited and restricted content for reviews.

  1. On your computer, sign in to Google Maps.
  2. Search for a place.

"Googleplex" is typed in the search bar on Google Maps. A list of results is displayed below.

  1. On the left, scroll and click Write a review.

In Google Maps, a review summary of a Googleplex location is displayed in the left sidebar. It shows the average review ratings, review highlights, a button that says "Write a review," and a list of all reviews.

  1. To score the place, click the stars. Yous tin too write a review.

In Google Maps, a pop-up window displays a form to write a review for Googleplex. There are 5 stars selected for the rating, a text field to write review details, and a button with a camera to upload photos. At the bottom of the pop-up window, there is a "Cancel" button and a "Post" button.

Your review shows up in Google Maps until you lot take it down. After your review is published, you lot can edit information technology or change the rating and pictures you included.

Observe & share your reviews

Edit or delete your review

Read & respond to other people'southward reviews

Read other people's reviews

The reviews and ratings you find in Google Maps were added past other users.

Tip: The date on a review is the date it was published.

  1. On your computer, open up Google Maps.
  2. Search for a place.
  3. Below the place'due south name, you can detect a rating.
  4. To read reviews, on the correct of the rating, click the number of reviews.

To read reviews in another linguistic communication.

  1. On your Google Account, go to your languages settings.
  2. On the right, click Edit Edit and select a language.
  3. Reload Google Maps and cheque the review once more.

Answer to a review of your business

When you open your Business Contour on Google Maps on your computer, y'all tin reply to private reviews.

Tip: To reply to reviews, you lot must verify your business organization profile.

To reply to reviews from your Business Profile on Google Maps:

  1. On your estimator, open up Google Maps.
  2. Enter your concern name. And then, click Search Search or striking Enter.
  3. On your business profile, scroll to "Reviews."
  4. To reply to a review, click Reply.

Marker a review as helpful

  1. On your calculator, open up Google Maps.
  2. Search for a place.
  3. Below the identify's name, click the number of reviews.
  4. To mark a review helpful, click Helpful. The author is notified simply your name and info aren't shown. The total number of helpful votes is shown.


  • To remove your vote, tap the icon again.
  • If the review is illegal or violates Google policy, y'all tin study a review.
  • Google shows reviews marked helpful to more than people.

Report a review

Y'all tin can't contact someone who left an inappropriate review, simply you tin can request that Google to remove it. Reviews are taken down if others label them as inaccurate or if they don't comply with Google'southward review policies.

  1. On your computer, open Google Maps.
  2. Find the review that violates Google's review policies.
  3. Next to the review, click More than More and then Flag as inappropriate.
  4. Select the reason you want to report the review.

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